

  ~ a collaboratory for surging life ~


To do the longterm work we propose, we need robust funding. In staging a strong Fellowship, we will be offering generous stipends, conducting retreats and field trips, and giving seed money for subsequent work. Similarly, our staff requires unstinting support for their winking creativity and wide-ranging hooks and dives. The best way to enable all this is to build a perduring endowment to guarantee our budgets. This will help us keep our focus on advancing Mangrovian Deep Counterdesign. At the same time, our intention is to grow our networked effects while staying small ourselves. We call this strategy "stealth scaling": fast and sure, yet respecting institutional and financial limits. In this spirit, we will invest in undertakings that can irradiate social good - there are no more externalities. Yes, we will give due consideration to B Corps, worker cooperatives, ESG integration or DEI policies, and involve indigenous and other disadvantaged communities. But beyond labels and glib rhetoric, we will endeavor to assess actual, lasting good. We will publish our Annual Reports so you can see how your gifts to us are invested and used. We are currently negotiating for a Fiscal Sponsor. When one is secured, we'll be able to solicit and receive funds. If you have no money to give, but would like to share in other ways, do let us know: Either way, we'll be happy to hear from you.


Sutirta Budiman