

  ~ a collaboratory for surging life ~

Mangroves Pilot Fellowship 2021-22 Materials


Anzaldua, Gloria. “La Concienta de La Mestiza: Toward a New Consciousness.” Borderlands: The New Mestiza = La Frontera, 1st ed., Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987, pp. 77–91

Bellacasa, Maria Puig de la. “Coda.” Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds, Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2017, pp. 217–21

Cadena, De Marisol la, and Mario Blaser. “Introduction: Pluriverse Proposals for a World of Many Worlds.” A World of Many Worlds, Illustrated, Duke University Press Books, 2018, pp. 1–22

Cadena, De Marisol la, and Helen Verran. “Four: The Politics of Working Cosmologies Together While Keeping Them Separate.” A World of Many Worlds, Illustrated, Duke University Press Books, 2018, pp. 112–30

Cushing, Frank Hamilton. “Myths.” Outlines of Zuni Creation Myths, Kessinger Publishing, 2010, pp. 379–87

Fagan, Brian, and Nadia Durrani. “The Dawn of Everything: A New History?” Reviews in Anthropology, vol. 50, no. 3–4, 2021, pp. 80–99. Crossref,

Giraud, Gaël. “The Commons, a Key Concept for the Future of Development.” Ideas For Development: Sustainable Development News, Ideas For Development, 25 Sept. 2016,

Graeber, David, and David Wengrow. The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity. First Edition, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021

Jacobs, Jane. “Introduction.” The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Reissue, Vintage, 1992, pp. 3–25

Lawrence, Bruce. Islamicate Cosmopolitan Spirit. 1st ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 2021, pp. 13-50

“Lily Yeh.” UNCSA, interview by Pier Carlo Talenti,

Logan, William Bryant. “Stardust,” “the First Soil.” Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth, Reprint, W. W. Norton and Company, 2007, pp. 7–13

“Migrant Roots Media.” Migrant Roots Media,

Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI). Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Index | OPHI.

Pimm, Stuart L., et al. “How to Protect Half of Earth to Ensure It Protects Sufficient Biodiversity.” Science Advances, vol. 4, no. 8, 2018. Crossref,

Pimm, Stuart L., and Clinton N. Jenkin. “Connecting Habitats to Prevent Species Extinctions.” American Scientist, vol. 107, no. 3, 2019. Crossref,

Reiter, Bernd, and Walter d. Migonolo. “Foreword: On Pluriversality and Multipolarity,” “Introduction.” Constructing the Pluriverse: The Geopolitics of Knowledge, Illustrated, Duke University Press Books, 2018, pp. ix–15

Rosen, Robert. “The Schrödinger Question, What Is Life? Fifty-Five Years Later.” Essays on Life Itself, 1500th ed., Columbia University Press, 1999, pp. 5–32

Schumacher Center for a New Economics. “Enclosures of the Commons.” Schumacher Center for New Economics, 14 June 2021,

Soleri, Paolo, and Lissa McCullough. “Soleri: Architecture as Evolutionary Quest.” Conversations With Paolo Soleri, Princeton Architectural Press, 2012, pp. 9–65

Walsh, Catherine, and Walter d. Migonolo. “Development as Buen Vivir: Institutional Arrangements and (De)Colonial Entanglements.” Constructing the Pluriverse: The Geopolitics of Knowledge, Illustrated, Duke University Press Books, 2018, pp.184-194

Wark, McKenzie. “Abstraction.” A Hacker Manifesto, First Edition, Harvard University Press, 2004, pp. 13–20

Ch. 1 (pp. 10-12) of Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah (Introduction/Prolegomena/Forward~Foreword/Avant-Propos, etc.)

Escobar, Arturo. Pluriversal Politics: The Real and the Possible (Latin America in Translation). Duke UP Books, 2020

Idris, Solayman. The Sunrise in the West: خروج الشمس من مغربها (the Times of the Signs Book 1). Lumifont Scriptorium for Nafura Nawra Buruj Miraj Publishing, 2020

Creation Stories/Other Tales: (unknown source)

Two Goddings

Yoruba Tales

Maya Creation Story

Inca Creation Story

Aztec Creation Story

Iranian and Egyptian Tales